
Department of Physics & Atmospheric Science
Dalhousie University
PO BOX 15000
Halifax, NS B3H 4R2, Canada

Station manager

James Drummond

Station Features

Opening year: 2005 Status: Open
  • Type of station: Station
  • Operational period – year-round or Month A to Month B: Year-round
  • Name of station owner: The PEARL RidgeLab is owned and maintained by Environment ­Canada and the 0PAL and SAFIRE buildings are owned and maintained by the University of Toronto. Research equipment in the buildings is owned by various university and government organisations
  • Type of owner: Informal consortium
  • Name of managing institution: CANDAC
  • Managing Institution Country: Canada
  • Station owner country: Canada
  • Partner institution: No
  • Station latitude: 79,98888889
  • Station longitude: -85,94083333
  • Country (station location): Canada
  • Altitude of station: 610 m a.s.l
  • Min. altitude within study area: 0 m a.s.l
  • Max. altitude within study area: 610 m a.s.l
  • Nearest town/settlement: Grise Fjord
  • Distance to nearest town/settlement: 500 km
  • Number of residents in nearest town: 150
  • Distance to nearest research station: 392 km
  • Maps available at station: Google Maps, OpenStreetMap, Google Earth
  • Climate zone: High Arctic
  • Period of measurments for climate data below [year to year]: Since c. 1947
  • Mean annual temperature: -18,8 °C
  • Mean temperature in February: -37,4 °C
  • Mean temperature in July: 6,1 °C
  • Precipitation type: Snow, Rain
  • Sea ice break up: July, August, September
  • Dominant wind direction: Southeast
  • Mean annual wind speed: 3,1 m/s
  • Maximum wind speed (absolute): 35 m/s
  • Landscape features Mountains, Valleys, Fjord
  • Permafrost zone Continuous
  • Vegetation zone Polar desert/Semi-desert


  • Area under roof: 704 m²
  • Max. number of visitors at a time : 40
  • Showers: Yes
  • Laundry facilities: Yes
  • Power supply – period (from ‘hour’ to ‘hour’ or 24 hours): 24 hours
  • Power supply - plug type A, B
  • Power sources at station Diesel/oil/gas
  • Logistics area: 178 m²
  • Workshops Metal, Plexiglas, Wood
  • Means of transportation to/from station Chartered plane/helicopter
  • Airstrip (Length × Width) : 1460 × 60 m
  • Airstrip surface : Gravel/Sand
  • Transport on land - at station ATV, Car
  • Number of staff peak season/summer: 10
  • Number of staff off season/winter: 8
  • Staff able to assist (workshops): Yes - if time allows
  • Recommended safety equipment VHF
  • Laboratory area: 258 m²
  • Medical capability Basic
  • Distance to hospital (estimated time – hours): 0


  • Transnational Access: No
  • Remote Access: No
  • INTERACT Virtual Access: No
  • Permitting issues categories
    • Permits required for access to the station
    • Permits required for studies
  • Partner institutions (involved in the operation of the station)
    • Partner institution
  • Climate
    • Snow
    • Rain
    • Hail
  • Housing and accomodation
    • Showers
    • Laundry facilities
    • A
    • B
    • C
    • D
    • E
    • F
    • G
    • H
    • I
    • J
    • K
    • L
    • M
    • N
    • O
    • Municipal grid
    • Diesel/oil/gas
    • Wood
    • Solar
    • Wind
    • Water
    • Geothermal
    • Biofuel
    • Other
  • Logistics
    • Electrical and IT technologies
    • Mechanical
    • Metal
    • Wood
    • Plexiglas
    • Other
    • Walk
    • None
    • Tracked vehicle
    • Truck
    • SUV (4x4)
    • Car
    • ATV
    • Zodiac
    • Snowmobile
    • Open boat/Dhinghy
    • Closed boat
    • Bicycles
    • Amphibie vehicle
    • Ski
    • Other
    • Snow shoes
    • KickSledges
    • Other
    • Ski
    • Snowmobile
    • Boat
    • Car
    • Tracked vehicle
    • Truck
    • SUV (4x4)
    • Bus
    • Train
    • Airstrip
    • Scheduled flight
    • Chartered plane/helicopter
    • Helipad
    • Other
    • None
    • Harbour/port
    • Warf/pier
    • Pontoon/float bridge
    • Barges
    • Beach
  • Aircraft landing facilities
    • Helipad
  • Features in the facility area
    • Permanent snowpatches
    • Mountain
    • Valley
    • Lake
    • River
    • Shoreline
    • Tree line
    • Polar deserts/semi-deserts
    • Shrub tundra
    • Gramminoid tundra
    • Forest tundra
    • Peatlands
    • Wetlands
    • Palsa mires
    • Deciduous forest
    • Evergreen forest
    • Human settlements or resource use in the area
    • Arable land
    • Other
  • Main science disciplines
    • Astronomy
    • Atmospheric sciences
    • Cryology
    • Geology
    • Hydrology
    • Limnic biology
    • Marine biology
    • Terrestrial biology
    • Human biology
    • Anthropology
    • Archaeology
    • Sociology
    • Climate change
    • Environmental science (incl. pollution)
    • Oceanography
    • Agriculture
    • Animal husbandry
    • Fisheries
    • Forestry
    • Hunting
    • Tourism
  • Workshop facilities
    • Metal workshop
    • Wood workshop
    • Plexiglas workshop
    • Staff available to assist with constructions
  • Communication
    • Telephone
    • Satellite phone
    • VHF
    • E-mail
    • Internet
    • Computer
    • Printer
    • Scanner
    • Fax
  • Meteorology
    • Air temperature
    • Air humidity
    • Air pressure
    • Wind velocity
    • Wind direction
    • Precipitation
  • Energy balance and radiation
    • Energy balance
    • Short wave incoming
    • Short wave outgoing
    • Long wave incoming
    • Long wave outgoing
    • Net radiation
    • UV-B
    • Multi-spectral
    • Cloud cover/hours of sunshine
  • Atmospheric composition
    • CO<sub>2</sub> concentration
    • CH<sub>4</sub> concentration
  • Pollution
    • In air
    • In water
    • In soil
    • In snow/ice
    • Contaminants in species
  • Particles and aerosols
    • Particles and aerosols
  • Landscape and environment
    • Mountains
    • Nunataks
    • Volcano/crater
    • Lava fields
    • Plateaus
    • Moraines
    • Valleys
    • Homothermic Springs
    • Lake
    • Thermokarst lake
    • River
    • Delta/estuarie
    • Fjord
    • Continuous
    • Sea
    • Discontinuous
    • Beach
    • Sporadic
    • Rocky shores
    • Pingos/ice lenses
    • Sea cliffs
    • Other (text)
    • Palsa mires
    • None
    • Ice Caps
    • Glaciers
    • Permanent snow patches
    • None
    • Tree line
    • Polar desert/Semi-desert
    • Gramminoid tundra
    • Shrub tundra
    • Forest tundra
    • Wetlands
    • Peatlands/mires
    • Salt marshes/lagoons
    • Heath
    • Grassland
    • Deciduous forest
    • Evergreen forest
    • Terrestrial carnivores
    • Alpine heath
    • Ungulates
    • Hares
    • Other (text)
    • Rodents
    • Bird colonies
    • Polar bear
    • Whales
    • Seals
    • Fish
    • Settlement
    • Fishing
    • Hunting
    • Forestry
    • Agriculture
    • Tourism
    • Animal husbandry
    • Leisure activities
  • Field equipment
    • PLB
    • VHF
    • HF
    • Satellite phone
    • Mobile phone
    • GPS
    • Weapon/rifle
    • Flare gun
    • Bearspray
    • PLB
    • First aid kit
    • VHF
    • Glacier rescue kit
    • Avalanche rescue kit
    • HF
    • Satellite phone
    • Overnight equipment
    • Other
    • Mobile phone
    • GPS
    • Weapon/rifle
    • Flare gun
    • Bearspray
    • PLB
    • First aid kit
    • Glacier rescue kit
    • VHF
    • Avalanche rescue kit
    • HF
    • Satellite phone
    • Overnight equipment
    • Other
    • Mobile phone
    • GPS
    • Weapon/rifle
    • Flare gun
    • Bearspray
    • Tent
    • First aid kit
    • Glacier rescue kit
    • Sleeping matress
    • Avalanche rescue kit
    • Sleeping bag
    • Cooking equipment and utensils
    • Overnight equipment
    • Other
    • Gas/alcohol for cooking
    • Field power supply available at station
  • Laboratory
    • Freezer < -80
    • Freezer -40 - -10
    • Fridge
    • Microscopes
    • Basic laboratory equipment
    • Advanced laboratory equipment
    • Basic chemical reagents
    • Analytical instrumentation
    • Other
    • Laboratory available in nearby town/settlement
  • Medical facilities
    • Medical facilities
    • Basic
    • Medium
    • Extensive
    • Dental
    • Surgery
    • Other
    • No
    • In peak season
    • When open

Station name and owner

Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Laboratory (PEARL) operated by the Canadian Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Change (CANDAC) - an informal university and government consortium. The PEARL Ridge Laboratory building is owned and maintained by Environment Canada and the 0PAL and SAFIRE buildings are owned and maintained by the University of Toronto. Research equipment in the buildings is owned by various university and government organisations.


PEARL is located adjacent to the Environment Canada Weather Station at Eureka, Nunavut, Canada. PEARL operates three facilities: (i) The PEARL Ridge Laboratory (80°03’ N, 86°24’ W, 610 m a.s.l.), (ii) the Zero-Altitude PEARL Auxiliary Laboratory (0PAL) (79°59’ N, 85°56’ W, 10 m a.s.l.), and (iii) the Surface and Atmospheric Flux, Irradiance, Radiation Extension Site (SAFIRE) (79°59’ N, 85°48’ W, 73 m a.s.l.). The area is a land reserve of the Federal government under Environment Canada. The station is situated on the shores of Slidre Fjord. There is no local permanent settlement in the area.

Climate data

Grey colours are WMO Climate Normals including maximum and minimum values. Blue colours are individual years.

Climate data for the stations where extracted via Copernicus Climate Data Store, from the global gridded reanalysis product: ERA5 monthly averaged data on single levels from 1940 to present. Description and source code: Roemer J.K. 2023. Data Source: Hersbach et al. 2023. Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) Climate Data Store (CDS),

Biodiversity and natural environment

The area around PEARL is an arctic desert. The whole area is underlain by permafrost which is exposed in places. The micro-climate is exceptionally mild for this latitude (maximum temperature: 20 °C, minimum temperature: -55 °C). Wildlife includes wolves, muskox, arctic fox, and some caribou as well as migratory birds.

History and facilities

The Weather Station at the site has operated for over 60 years. The first research building was constructed in the early 1990s, and PEARL itself was inaugurated in 2006. The laboratories provide housing, facilities for atmospheric (and other) research, instruments, and workshops for maintenance and repair the instruments. Currently there are about 25 instruments operating at the site. Telephone and internet (via geostationary satellite) are available, but with limited bandwidth due to cost. The facility can accommodate 20-40 people at any time of the year.

General research and databases

The major emphasis at PEARL is on atmospheric research. The original purpose of the installation was to monitor stratospheric ozone, and although that work is still ongoing, the research has now broadened in scope to encompass the entire atmosphere and beyond. Current measurements include ozone and associated chemicals in the stratosphere as well as the troposphere, aerosols and particulates, radiation and fluxes and upper atmo­sphere temperatures, winds, and waves. Other research groups including biologists, astronomers, and geologists regularly make use of the nearby Eureka Weather Station as a base. Measurements are regularly submitted to the NDACC, TCCON, and AeroNet databases.

Station Monitoring

Human dimension

There is no local community. The nearest permanent facilities are the military base at Alert on the north side of Ellesmere Island and the community of Grise Fjord in southern Ellesmere Island. Both of these are about 450 km from PEARL.


Access to the station is by chartered aircraft only, but the site can be accessed at any time of the year. Charter flights can be organised from Iqaluit, Resolute Bay, and Yellowknife. There is an annual sea-lift for bringing in larger equipment and goods. Transport around the site is by 4×4 truck. Many of the instruments on the site are adapted for automatic or semi-automatic operation to reduce the need for on-site support.

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